476 Pipe Clay Road, KOORAWATHA
Off Grid Nature Block
5km Off Olympic Way on an unsealed road is 476 Pipe Clay Road. This 97 Acre property is a natural block with abundance of native trees and established under growth.
The property offers a small amount of clearing towards the back of the property.
You will enjoy the quiet and seclusion of this property that can offer off grid living.
97 Acre property
Native trees and undergrowth
Zoned RU1 Primary Production
5km from Olympic Way
For Further information contact Stephen Haslamm 0412 395 390
The property offers a small amount of clearing towards the back of the property.
You will enjoy the quiet and seclusion of this property that can offer off grid living.
97 Acre property
Native trees and undergrowth
Zoned RU1 Primary Production
5km from Olympic Way
For Further information contact Stephen Haslamm 0412 395 390
Contact The Agent
476 Pipe Clay Road KOORAWATHA NSW
39 ha